Get more power out of your Catalyst with this one simple mod! Our stage...
Get more power out of your Catalyst with this one simple mod! Our stage...
Get the most power out of your Catalyst with this complete kit that...
Get the most power out of your Catalyst with this complete kit! Our...
A great bolt on kit for you ski doo 800 etec and carb models! Super lightweight, the combo weighs only weighs 6.5 lbs total!! The muffler weighs just 5 lbs and the y pipe weighs just 1.5 lbs!! The Y pipe makes great power gains throughout the power band, 5 hp in the mid and 3 peak. SALE PRICED!! A great bolt on kit for you ski doo...
A great bolt on kit for you ski doo 800 etec and carb models! Super lightweight, the combo weighs less than 4 lbs total!! The muffler weighs just 2.95 lbs and the y pipe weighs just .95 lbs!! The Y pipe makes great power gains throughout the power band, 5 hp in the mid and 3 peak. SALE PRICED!! A great bolt on kit for you ski doo...
Our Ski Doo 850 Budget Performer Kit is a great way to pick up serious performance gains for not a lot of money. The SPI y pipe adds 5 more horsepower. Then drop 10-13 pounds of weight with either our Stainless Steel or TITANIUM mufflers. The mufflers have nice deep tone to them without being too loud. Trail friendly. The clutch kit puts the power to... Our Ski Doo 850 Budget Performer Kit...
Our Speed Shop Inc. Stage 2 Kit for the Ski Doo 850 really brings them to life. It's no secret that the Jaws pipes is the best pipe on the market. It comes with a new Y pipe, and even an aluminum heat shield. But the best part is the 14 horsepower gain from just the pipe! Our Speed Shop Inc. Stage 2 Kit for...
This kit makes your 900 Turbo Ski Doo into a powerful yet very well mannered rocket! We use the Hurricane Performance tune, along with our Turbo back stainless exhaust system, Aluminum charge tubes, and Pro-Shift clutch kit. 3 options available Be sure to select the correct options in the dropdown menu This kit makes your 900 Turbo Ski Doo...
The Jaws pipe is simply the best pipe on the market for the Ski Doo 850 producing a solid 12-14 horsepower! The pipe has amazing low end and mid range power too, not just peak power. Our clutch kits utilizes a torsion secondary spring and custom helix which allows the clutches to shift into overdrive more top speed. The Jaws pipe is simply the best pipe...